R.I.P. Pimples

*ผลลัพธ์ที่ได้อาจแตกต่างกันขึ้นอยู่กับสภาพผิว และสภาพร่างกายของแต่ละบุคคล

The last acne treatment you will ever need.

This is going the be the first time you will happily be saying Rest In Peace, seriously. The treatment is focused on the very etiology of acne according to modern dermatology. This is why Wild Clinic utilizes the power of continuous mono-polar RF, from the newest USFDA-approved Exilis Ultra 360 machine, to dramatically slow down the oil production in the skin.

Then comes our hero, HydraFacial, to normalize and clean the epidermis to make sure prevent those nasty pimples from popping up in the near future.

And don’t worry, the bad guy s, C. acnes, will surely be taken care of by the essence of Centella asiatica that is sustained-released into the skin by the biocellulose mask.

Finally, the light of Low Level Laser is on to euthanize any inflammations left to make sure the acnes never get a second chance in life. Rest in Peace pimples. Bye girl byeeee.


Frequency 1 week

Skin repair 
Anti-inflammatory ●●
Exfoliate/Detox ●●


1 session
4 sessions
10 sessions
6,900 THB
25,900 THB
48,900 THB


Supernatural treats:

  • Depollution Centella Face Wash
  • Yuzu Vit C Serum
  • Hemp Seed with 0.5% Retinol Oil
  • Centella Essence
  • Damascus Rose Face Mist